關於北寅社 Info Studio
北寅社的名稱,最早是來自英文Drinkin 的概念。
Drinkin 不只是有飲下的意思,更有其讓人上癮、沉迷的意涵。
在Drinkin 這樣帶點浪漫,帶點奢糜的自由感之下,我們選擇了一個讀音接近,
但卻相當東方的[ 寅 ]字來代表。完全呈現了一種現代與傳統,東方與西方的強力衝突。
進而激發出一股獨特而吸引人上癮的魅力。再加上強調出自台北設計,台灣創作的taipei 。
一切就如同標語beware of addiction 所說,小心上癮,無法自拔。
The title Drinkin Taipei Design Studio derived from the concept of "drinkin."
It's not only about drink in ideas but also addict to creativity.And later the founder picked up a Chinese character " 寅 " which sounds close to " in."
" Drinkin " and " 寅 " reveals the conflict between modern and tradition, East and West,and inspire a unique and addictive charisma." Drinkin " and " Taipei " composes a sense of stunning and charming from the East.The title also connects to the slogan: beware of addiction.
關於北寅社 Info Studio
北寅社的名稱,最早是來自英文Drinkin 的概念。
Drinkin 不只是有飲下的意思,更有其讓人上癮、沉迷的意涵。
在Drinkin 這樣帶點浪漫,帶點奢糜的自由感之下,我們選擇了一個讀音接近,
但卻相當東方的[ 寅 ]字來代表。完全呈現了一種現代與傳統,東方與西方的強力衝突。
進而激發出一股獨特而吸引人上癮的魅力。再加上強調出自台北設計,台灣創作的taipei 。
一切就如同標語beware of addiction 所說,小心上癮,無法自拔。
The title Drinkin Taipei Design Studio derived from the concept of "drinkin."
It's not only about drink in ideas but also addict to creativity.And later the founder picked up a Chinese character " 寅 " which sounds close to " in."
" Drinkin " and " 寅 " reveals the conflict between modern and tradition, East and West,and inspire a unique and addictive charisma." Drinkin " and " Taipei " composes a sense of stunning and charming from the East.The title also connects to the slogan: beware of addiction.